Call for applications: PGSM master Paris
Call for applications: PGSM master Paris
Call for applications: PGSM master Paris. Paris Graduate School for Mathematical Sciences (PGSM), the master scholarships program of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, is opening it international call for applications from Monday November 4th 2024 to Thursday February 6th 2025 (deadline at 11:59 p.m , Paris time). The call is open to L3 or M1 students from universities outside of France.
The laureates benefit from a unique range of courses based on the expertise of the Parisian research laboratories in mathematical sciences. The Parisian mathematical network is an exceptional community in the word, probably the largest in terms of mathematical spectrum. It includes more than 1200 researchers (including 5 Fields medallists, 19 academics, more than 200 national and international prize-winners) most of whom teach in the FSMP network’s masters programs, following the finest tradition of the internationally recognized French school of mathematics.
Call for applications: PGSM master Paris
The scholarship
The laureates will receive a scholarship of 1150 euros per month.
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris will take care also of their social security coverage and their university registration fees. For foreign students accepted into the International program, the Foundation reserves a room at the CROUS in Paris and reimburses the cost of one return ticket per year from their country of origin to Paris (based on an economy fare only).
Laureates for M2 studies will receive a scholarship for 11 months (+ 1 month if they want to do a doctorate in France). Call for applications: PGSM master Paris
Laureates for M1 studies will receive a 12-month scolarship for the first year, and 11 or 12 months for the second year. The extension of the scholarship for a second year is subject to the successful completion of the fist year exams and the jury’s approval.
The FSMP PGSM Master’s scholarships cannot be combined with other types of funding or remuneration (except for joint programs with French Embassies or French institutes abroad). By exception, special authorization may be granted by the program director for activities related to the teaching of mathematics.
Administrative and scientific support
The FSMP provides a personalised support to FSMP fellows and help them integrate into Parisian life. It helps them with administrative procedures such as university registration, visa applications and medical care.
The laureates benefit from scientific support. In particular : Call for applications: PGSM master Paris
- Scientific tutoring: personalized advice from a teacher-researcher who will be their tutor for the duration of their studies. This tutor will advise them on the choice of courses to follow in the Masters programs according to their previous studies and their training project. Students can contact their tutor throughout their studies, in particular to choose their orientation at the end of the first year and/or to consider continuing their studies at the end of the master’s degree.
- Follow-up of academic results: the FSMP and the Master’s director of study regularly check on the scientific progress of PGSM students.
- Non-French speaking students have the possibility to improve their French by following the “French as a foreign language” courses.
The scholarship starts on September 1st. It is mandatory for PGSM laureates to be in Paris on September 1st to complete the administrative procedures.